Tag Archives: trump

The Power of Confusion

It now seems certain that we have a Joe Bidet for president. For if a rose by any other name would smell as sweet (1), a Biden, metaphorically speaking, by any other name still smells like a poorly maintained sanitary device, however many euphemisms the imagination may body forth out of the forms of things Read More

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Trump, Maduro and Balzac – Reflections on the Trumpian Revolution

It is tacitly assumed that  the American information industry produces notices and descriptions of actual events. Whereas it routinely delivers a narrative of adulterated facts and improbable fiction – the whole blended with a top-down imposition of Zionist ideology masquerading as national interest. I say ‘Zionist’ because a country in which the word of command Read More

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Prisoners of Words

During his recent meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Trump, answering a question form a US journalist, said that there was no reason to suspect Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential elections. However, back on home soil, he said that what he meant was the opposite. In the circumstances, there is some difficulty in assigning Read More

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Saudi America

As a European commentator noted recently, it is symbolic that the president of the most advanced democracy in the world makes his first foreign trip to the most feudal among Arab monarchies. On the other hand, US citizens at large see happening what they vaguely expected, and probably wanted when they voted for Trump. Namely, Read More

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War among Poor

After Berkeley’s war and fitful fever of destructive demonstrations, the mob sleeps well, or so it seems. As equally well sleep the millions who joined the women’s recent ‘spontaneous’ marches worldwide. These demonstrations (and other similar), are actually atheistic masses, to dupe common sense and satisfy facade rebelliousness or a desire-to-belong. Of the throng who Read More

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Hacking for Dummies

As someone who needs words to understand symbols and images to comprehend concepts, I welcomed, years ago, the advent of instructional books for dummies, that is, for those otherwise excluded from the blessings of knowledge. Remembrance of things past brings me back to my high school (and college) days. When an instructor at the blackboard, Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Amusing Shakespeare, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Chances Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Polite Insult, Shakespeare and Politics, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare on Education, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Hacking for Dummies

Methinks I am a prophet…

No prophet will I trust, if she prove false. (King Henry VI, part 1, act 1, sc. 2)   It’s not even a question of reading “the book of fate and seeing the revolutions of the times…” (1), or of having “a thousand eyes to be filled with prophetic tears”(2). The audacious eloquence of Bernie Read More

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