Tag Archives: best shakespeare quotes

Erewhon or the Crime of Illness

Samuel Butler published his novel Erewhon in 1872. The title is the (almost) reverse spelling of ‘Nowhere’ and it applies to a country the author discovered. He probably had in mind the Southern island of New Zealand where he minded sheep for a while. The protagonist, Higgs, tending sheep in a prairie, looks at a Read More

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The Google Archipelago

During the cold war the West called dissenters those Russians in the USSR who voiced their complaints against the system. A definition – ‘dissenter’ – which, processed through the lexical grinding machine of the CIA and associates, was actually stripped of its original meaning to become a weapon of trivial instrumental imperialist propaganda. Said it Read More

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The Coronavirus and Galileo

As the following content may be controversial, I do not pretend to truth, even to the truth of him whose thought and findings I report. My basic knowledge rests on the understanding that the property of rain is to wet and of fire to burn, and that a great cause of the night is lack Read More

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Questionable Anniversaries – The Fall of the Berlin Wall

Distance of time or place can reconcile complacent minds to wonderful narratives. Besides, the greatest part of mankind has no other reason for their opinion than they are in fashion. The man involved in life is sometimes forced to believe without verification, and obliged to choose before he can examine. He is surprised by sudden Read More

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Glimpses of Europe

Back from a trip to Europe, I sketch down a few notes and observations. They are personal, and the patient reader may object to some of my conclusions. But this is, of course, inherent to the general elusiveness of truth.

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Good-Bye Home Country

On Mar 19, 2019 an “Italian” school-bus driver, dumped several canisters of gasoline inside a school-bus full of students, and set it ablaze. It was a miracle that there were no victims. The inverted quotes around “Italian” require an explanation. In line with the Kalergi Plan for the Western World – more later – Italian Read More

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Tragicomedy of Errors

The sublime Plato said that the soul has a trinitarian composition – a very coarse soul in the belly, a loving one in the chest and a reasoning third in the head. The soul is immortal, though women have only two souls, for they are missing reason. But a father attending the Council of Macon Read More

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In Praise of Shamelessness

So much has been said about the Venezuelan crisis that adding more would equate to gilding the lily or carrying coal to Newcastle. The following, then, is but a brief aside on the psychology and physiognomy of the protagonists of the ongoing coup, starting with Guaido’ – or “Guido” as Mike Pompeo’s re-baptism , while Read More

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The Waves of Time

That all the world is a stage and all men and women merely players is a familiar and generally accepted proposition. But many, prompted by curiosity and helped by new information previously unknown or uneasily available, would like to know more about the play they are the unwitting players thereof. Which transforms the frame of Read More

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The Cardinal’s Letter

Sooner or later it was inevitable that the capitulation of the Vatican to the demands of a decadent culture and of powerful enemies would awaken the trumpet of sedition inside the Catholic Church. As readers may already know, Cardinal Viganò recently wrote an open letter to Pope Francis asking him to resign. I will attempt Read More

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