Monthly Archives: November 2014

Shakespeare and Disbelief

“Most noble sir, That which I shall report will bear no credit, Were not the proof so nigh.” Timon of Athens, act 5, sc. 1 At the United Nations, a motion was recently tabled to condemn the glorification of Nazism. USA, Canada and Ukraine voted against the motion.

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Amusing Shakespeare, Historical Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Shakespeare and Politics, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare and Disbelief

Shakespeare and One Medal Too Many

“What a god is gold, That he is worshipp’d in a baser temple Than where swine feed!” Timon of Athens, act 5, sc. 1 This week, with the customary pomp and circumstance, Obama bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on 18 recipients. It is the highest civilian honor in the Unites States.

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Fighting your Adversary, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare Invocations, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare and One Medal Too Many

Shakespeare, Courage & a Fallen Hero

“…there’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, ’tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all: since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is’t to leave betimes? Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare, Courage & a Fallen Hero

Shakespeare, Truth & the Berlin Wall

“When forty winters shall besiege thy brow, And dig deep trenches in thy beauty’s field….” These lines from the famous Sonnet may come to mind when looking at the picture of the young lady, talking on a portable phone, the size and cumbersomeness of which betray the age when it was used and the photo Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Historical Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Romantic Shakespearean Quotes, Sayings about Life, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare, Truth & the Berlin Wall

Shakespeare, Islam and ISIS

“…but now the bishop Turns insurrection to religion: Suppos’d sincere and holy in his thoughts, He’s follow’d both with body and with mind.” (King Henry IV, part 2, act 1, sc. 1) Anyone who lived, visited or worked in Iraq (as the writer of this article has), at the time of the “evil” dictator Saddam Read More

Posted in Best Shakespeare Quotes, Historical Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Politics | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare, Islam and ISIS