Category Archives: Shakespeare Adaptations

The Vatican Gorbachev

Men judge by the complexion of the sky, the state and inclination of the day (1). Yet, to the perplexed observer it was difficult, in 2013, to guess what Pope Bergoglio was up to. For one, the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI was puzzling. After all, the last Pope to resign, 719 years earlier, was Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Historical Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Psychological Shakespeare, Shakespeare Adaptations | Comments Off on The Vatican Gorbachev

In Praise of Shamelessness

So much has been said about the Venezuelan crisis that adding more would equate to gilding the lily or carrying coal to Newcastle. The following, then, is but a brief aside on the psychology and physiognomy of the protagonists of the ongoing coup, starting with Guaido’ – or “Guido” as Mike Pompeo’s re-baptism , while Read More

Posted in Amusing Shakespeare, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Fighting your Adversary, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Psychological Shakespeare, Shakespeare Adaptations, Shakespeare in Politics | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on In Praise of Shamelessness

From 1000 AD to WW3

If, according to Oscar Wilde, truth is a matter of style, even more so history is a matter of opinion. An obvious and unnecessary remark, were it not for the anger of some when they dissent with the thoughts of others. To them I would recommend, with all the earnestness at my disposal, the recollection Read More

Posted in Best Shakespeare Quotes, Historical Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Romantic Shakespearean Quotes, Shakespeare Adaptations, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on From 1000 AD to WW3

The Two Americas at Charlottesville

I wasn’t in Charlottesville during the upheavals in this summer of discontent, (1)  but I know some who were. They sent videos, photos and witness’ accounts – thanks to which, I followed those threads of reasoning on which truth is frequently suspended. That is, I formed an idea of what happened, and, perhaps more important, Read More

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