Tag Archives: fake news

Tales Told The Millennials

Decades are acknowledged historical markers, signaling the birth of a new generation, and the transition between adjacent but different cultural times. Since September 2001, the inaudible and noiseless foot of time (1) has advanced by almost two decades. And two generations are now alive who did not see 9/11, and will derive only from school, Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Answers to Interviews, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Shakespeare in Politics, Typical Interview Questions | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Tales Told The Millennials

The Two Americas at Charlottesville

I wasn’t in Charlottesville during the upheavals in this summer of discontent, (1)  but I know some who were. They sent videos, photos and witness’ accounts – thanks to which, I followed those threads of reasoning on which truth is frequently suspended. That is, I formed an idea of what happened, and, perhaps more important, Read More

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Hacking for Dummies

As someone who needs words to understand symbols and images to comprehend concepts, I welcomed, years ago, the advent of instructional books for dummies, that is, for those otherwise excluded from the blessings of knowledge. Remembrance of things past brings me back to my high school (and college) days. When an instructor at the blackboard, Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Amusing Shakespeare, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Chances Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Polite Insult, Shakespeare and Politics, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare on Education, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Hacking for Dummies