About this Site

The “Your Daily Shakespeare” website is an off-shoot of the book “Your Daily Shakespeare – an Arsenal of Verbal Weapons to Drive your Friends into Action and your Enemies into despair”. To find the roots and to read a history of the book connect to:


Objectives of the “Your Daily Shakespeare” site and book.

*** Are you interested in public speaking and improving your personal communication skills? Here is a way to look at Shakespeare as an actual, practical and almost endless resource for ideas, content and humor.

*** To provide a growing collection of the best Shakespeare quotes with tips and suggestions on how to apply them in your business and life in general.

*** Give the visitor the opportunity to join the new “America Shakespeare Internet Club”. By joining he/she will receive regular Shakespearean and other miscellaneous but related tips to improve presentation skills.

*** To find information about the book itself, “Your Daily Shakespeare” and how to buy It. “Your Daily Shakespeare” has been described by readers the most unusual, useful and unique book of Shakespearean quotations. (see the Press Reviews).

*** For a video presentation of the book watch the following short video

*** Chat with the  author (on Skype) and use him as a resource for your public speaking engagements.

***  Combine improvement of communications with memory strengthening, training and retention into one program that also includes physical exercise.
The physical exercise is optional but it can be one more incentive to combine the strengthening of  mind and body. Remember the Latin saying “Healthy mind in a healthy body” (Mens sana in corpore sano). Besides, “No profit grows where is no pleasure taken”. Here you have an opportunity to simultaneously experience the pleasure of an invigorated mind and an invigorated body.

NEW! I am producing a new monthly series on Portland’s Cable TV Channels. The series is called “Historical Sketches”. Shakespeare is NOT the subject, though relevant Shakespearean quotations are occasionally interspersed.  Each sketch lasts about 28 minutes and deals with “minor history”. Each major historical event has lots of anecdotes and secondary happenings omitted by the canonical history books. And yet, anecdotes and details can help remember the key events they are associated with.  You can find the videos by clicking on “Historical Sketches” and selecting the episodes. They are uploaded as they are produced.

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