Tag Archives: titus andronicus

Shakespeare and some Unpalatable Truths about Imperialism

“’Twill vex thy soul to hear what I shall speak; For I must talk of murders, rapes and massacres, Acts of black night, abominable deeds, Complots of mischief, treason, villanies Ruthful to hear, yet piteously perform’d” (Titus Andronicus, act 5, sc. 1) Comment. The lines could be a fitting incipit to a CIA report, were Read More

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Shakespeare and Useless Expectations on Education and Everything Else

“…the raven doth not hatch a lark” (Titus Andronicus, act 2, sc.3) Comment. Comes a point when whatever is said (on the current national-international conditions) terribly sounds as deja-vu, or to be more accurate, deja-dit, not only by the  redactor of this site but by just about everyone else. Take the case of the so-called Read More

Posted in Best Shakespeare Quotes, Fighting your Adversary, Insults Shakespeare-style, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments