Tag Archives: elegant shakespeare quotes

The Waves of Time

That all the world is a stage and all men and women merely players is a familiar and generally accepted proposition. But many, prompted by curiosity and helped by new information previously unknown or uneasily available, would like to know more about the play they are the unwitting players thereof. Which transforms the frame of Read More

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Revisiting Revolutions, a Comparison

After a fitful fever (1) of debates and round-tables, often packed with common sense and sometimes with uncommon nonsense, the dust of antique time (2) may gradually settle on the memory of the 1917 Russian Revolution. In 2117, assuming but not given that schools may still teach history, a question in a standardized test may read, Read More

Posted in Chances Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Encouraging Quotes, Motivational Sayings, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Psychological Shakespeare, Shakespeare Adaptations, Shakespeare Invocations, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Revisiting Revolutions, a Comparison

Was Marx a Marxist?

Many confound what they think with what they know. With Marx, personal notions of Marxism often justify arbitrary conclusions, reflecting the perceiver’s prejudice, fancy or indoctrination. Any related discussion turns then into a vicious circle of arguments searching for proofs, and proofs that are but someone’s opinions. Furthermore, various currently-popular and alternative media sources, when Read More

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The Clintons’ War on Women

“I do condemn mine ears that have so long attended thee” (Cymbeline, act 1, sc. 6) This is an unpleasant blog to write and I apologize in advance for the language, to my twenty-five readers. As a mitigating factor, the unpleasant language is extracted verbatim from Roger Stone’s book titled “The Clinton’s War on Women.” Read More

Posted in Best Shakespeare Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Politics, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Clintons’ War on Women

The Trouble with Trump

“If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.” (Twelfth Night, act 3, sc. 4) By general consent, in American elections there is no kingdom for a stage, there are no princes to act, nor monarchs to behold the swelling scene (1). By tacit agreement, elections stand midway Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Amusing Shakespeare, Chances Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Polite Insult, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on The Trouble with Trump

Arab Winters

“Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York…” King Richard III, act 1, sc. 1 Five years elapsed since the first of the widely acclaimed “Arab Springs”, though it does not seem that long, as the inaudible and noiseless foot of time (1) conceals its own advance. By Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Chances Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Historical Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Psychological Shakespeare, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Arab Winters

Mass-shootings and False Consciousness

“… The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveler returns – puzzles the will. And makes us rather bear those ills we have, Than fly to others that we know not of.” (Hamlet, act 3, sc. 1) Roseburg is the approximate equivalent of a continental European small provincial town. It is the seat of Douglas Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Amusing Shakespeare, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Psychological Shakespeare, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Mass-shootings and False Consciousness

Early Elections, Bush or Clinton?

“I would with such perfection govern, sir, To excel the golden age” The Tempest, act 2, sc. 1 I finished my coffee, closed my book, paid my bill and got up to leave. When the unknown man at the next table – whom I will henceforth called UM – said to me, “May I ask Read More

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FBI’s Football Fever

“I have some sport in hand Wherein your cunning can assist me much.” Taming of the Shrew (act 1, sc. 1)   After the media’s fitful fever (1), the business of FIFA, the corruption of the corruptible, the FBI’s arrest of the corrupt, the theories of conspiracies, the election of FIFA’s president and his subsequent Read More

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Victory in the War on Terror

“… out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety” King Henry IV, part 1 The FBI has stealthily uncovered and arrested two dangerous New York terrorists of the gentler sex, who were conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction – another victory in the war on terror. The originality of the case Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Fighting your Adversary, Historical Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Psychological Shakespeare, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Politics | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Victory in the War on Terror