Category Archives: Amusing Shakespeare

Most Shakespeare is understandable by anyone and the humor present herein is of two kinds. One directly related ti the theme and content. The other has to do with the old but perfectly understandable language that carries an inherent charge of humor

Pandemics and Ideologies

A man’s life’s no more than to say ‘one’ – Hamlet tells his friend Horatio (1). And Voltaire has a character from one of his novels declare, “… We in a manner begin to die the very moment we are born: our existence is no more than a point, our duration an instant, and our Read More

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Erewhon or the Crime of Illness

Samuel Butler published his novel Erewhon in 1872. The title is the (almost) reverse spelling of ‘Nowhere’ and it applies to a country the author discovered. He probably had in mind the Southern island of New Zealand where he minded sheep for a while. The protagonist, Higgs, tending sheep in a prairie, looks at a Read More

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The Power of Confusion

It now seems certain that we have a Joe Bidet for president. For if a rose by any other name would smell as sweet (1), a Biden, metaphorically speaking, by any other name still smells like a poorly maintained sanitary device, however many euphemisms the imagination may body forth out of the forms of things Read More

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The Google Archipelago

During the cold war the West called dissenters those Russians in the USSR who voiced their complaints against the system. A definition – ‘dissenter’ – which, processed through the lexical grinding machine of the CIA and associates, was actually stripped of its original meaning to become a weapon of trivial instrumental imperialist propaganda. Said it Read More

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A Stroke of Genius

It takes strength, endurance, resignation and stomach to like Donald Trump. Not for what he actually is. Under the pen of Alexandre Dumas, for example, Trump may even appear as a not-dislikable Yankee D’Artagnan of sorts. Maybe with less finesse than the original musketeer, whose contained yet French swaggering captivated millions of readers, when reading Read More

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The Sheep of the Apocalypse

There is a history in all men’s lives (1), and in the history of their lives men often meet with mysteries, meaning events inexplicable via the resources of common sense and logic. Some mysteries are terrestrial, some metaphysic. Setting metaphysics aside, I’ll deal with the terrestrial. I refer here to the turbulent events of the Read More

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The Bad Ending of a Good Idea

Sometimes ideas born out of an apparently sensible necessity evolve into something diabolically inevitable. On the other hand, the history of the formation of ideas is, or could be, what frees the mind from a blind search for explanations. For the alternative is to (dis)-content ourselves with effects without knowing their causes, other than attributing Read More

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Anatomy of Absurdity

The life of peoples are a vague and inexhaustible subject, and I should tell the reader that I am not presenting here yet another opinion on the Coronavirus phenomenon and its broadened effects on society. For, when examining current affairs, I am eroded by subtle remorse, weakened by rationalizations, laden by perplexities and constitutionally prone Read More

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The Coronavirus and Galileo

As the following content may be controversial, I do not pretend to truth, even to the truth of him whose thought and findings I report. My basic knowledge rests on the understanding that the property of rain is to wet and of fire to burn, and that a great cause of the night is lack Read More

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Quantitative Easing

The godfathers of modern banking have a lively lexical imagination. They invented a brave new vocabulary that simultaneously informs and misinforms, leads and misleads, darkens and enlightens, depresses and amuses – while inevitably taxing and confusing the understanding of the uninitiated. Take ‘quantitative easing,’ for example. Scrambling for a meaning, the average mortal could possibly Read More

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