Seven Ages of Man, take 2, the Whining Schoolboy

the whining schoolboy best Shakespeare quote“Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
And shining-morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school”
(As You Like It, act 2, sc. 7)

Tips for use.  Applicable to any boy of school age who is reluctant to go to school. He may not be completely wrong. For one, check the blog about Caliban and Prospero (Shakespeare and the Drawbacks of Education). Useful also to remember Ambrose Bierce’s take on the issue, “Education, That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.” Without taking into account that poking fun at education is as old as the Middle Ages. So Andrew Boorde (1490 – 1549) in “The Jests of Soggin” remarks that “A Master of Art, is not worth a fart.” For the previous related blog search for “Seven Ages of Man, take 1, the infant”
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In the play. Jacques – a forerunner of a certain type of Voltairean characters, philosophizes on the main chapters of everyone’s life.

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