Have we all gone mad?

Plant root with script 'Have we eaten of the insanew root...?"“…have we eaten on the insane root
That takes the reason prisoner?”
(Macbeth act 1 sc. 3)

Tips for Use. At the office, or in a debate with your political opponent – when the proposal that is aired is complete madness. Regrettably the instances of application are endless. Just as one example, an insane root must have taken the reason prisoner if the political establishment wants to convince the American people that the US must have and maintain 800 military bases overseas, when 40 million Americans live in poverty.

In the play. In a heath near Forres, the three witches appear to Macbeth and Banquo. Banquo speculates that the vision is prompted by insanity (Macbeth’s and Banquo’s).

Original site of image  http://www.thedwarf.com.au/nd/albumreviews/money_is_the_root_of_all_evil_mark_easton

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