Tag Archives: getting a job

Shakespeare and How to Establish Your Credentials

“… I am as constant as the northern star, Of whose true fixed and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament.” (Julius Caesar, act 3, sc. 1) Tips for Use. A possible answer at a job interview, to questions of the type, “Are you reliable?” “Do you have a sense of responsibility?” or Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Amusing Shakespeare, Answers to Interviews, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Chances Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Encouraging Quotes, Motivational Sayings, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style, Typical Interview Questions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare and How to Establish Your Credentials