Shakespeare and the Suspension of Belief

Sit down awhile; And let us once again assail your ears, That are so fortified against our story…Sit down awhile;
And let us once again assail your ears,
That are so fortified against our story…

(Hamlet, act 1, sc. 1)

Comment. There is a common theme in American history that is impossible to ignore and it affects the most extraordinary events. Namely, the nation has the most state-of-the-art, expanded, expensive, capillary,  massive, ubiquitous security, police, intelligence and military apparatus in the world. And yet macro-disasters and assassinations occur because the agencies involved with the apparatus have “failed to connect the dots”. A notion that, rather than a  metaphor, has become an indictment of the gullibility of those who believe it. It started with Kennedy, assassinated by a “lone” gunman, in turn assassinated by a notorious mobster in the halls of a Texas tribunal under the eyes of the police. Shortly afterwards the mobster died of “cancer” thus providing an easy justification for the matter to be “closed”. The unconnected dots were as big as skyscrapers but no one saw them.

In more recent times this unconnecting of the dots has almost become routine. Therefore, to discredit the unbelievers of the unconnections, the corporate media, guided trumpet of the apparatkit, has invented the sin of “conspiracy theory”. That is, he who disbelieves the apparatkit’s explanations is genetically predisposed to believe in conspiracies.

Take, for example, the case of building 7 of the World Trade Center – go to the March 11, 2013 article on this site and check the video posted under the title, “Shakespeare and the Physics and Mathematics of NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology)”.

The collapse of the WTC7 building looks like the classic controlled demolition. In the video, NIST claims first that the building did not collapse on free fall, because that would mean a controlled demolition. Then, when incontrovertible scientific evidence is given that WTC7 collapsed in free fall NIST changes the story. The video is interesting, because NIST, in a theatrically comical pronouncement, finally admits that the building collapsed in free fall, but it was a special type of free fall that was not really free.

Besides, here is the audio extract of a video interview of Mr. Silverstein, the owner-lessee of the World Trade Center complex, who incidentally, earned over 10 billions (billions not millions) from the 9/11 event. In the audio he states, “We decided to pull it (i.e. building 7)”.

Those who have looked into the matter, know that thousands of architects, engineers, university professors, technicians etc. have proven conclusively that WTC7 was a controlled demolition. That being so, it casts ominous doubts on the whole business of 9/11.

A turn of events, similar in principle though fortunately not in scope, has occurred with the Boston bombing. No place here to deal thoroughly with the matter but let’s point out the most obvious “inconsistencies” in the official story.

The official apparatus, based on a couple of murky shots from a monitoring camera, reconstructed detailed, high resolution pictures of the suspects. Suspects who were clearly in the database of the apparatus. And yet they asked “help from the public” to identify them.

The brothers’ parents, besides insisting on their sons’ innocence, claim they were set up by the American state and “controlled” by the FBI.  With what we know, no one can say whether the set-up is true or not. But in recent years the number of  failed “terrorist plots”, timely foiled by the FBI is numerous. In most cases (not to say all in respect for accuracy) it turns out that the plotters had been set-up, financed, guided and then “discovered” and indicted by the FBI before committing the crime.

Typical is the case of the five unemployed African-American youngsters in Orlando, Florida, approached by an FBI agent disguised as an Al-Qaida operative. He convinced them to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago. To start, he gave them money to buy a cheap digital camera and a bus-ticket for a ride from the suburbs to the FBI building in downtown Orlando. Requested by the agent to photograph the building in exchange for some additional money, they did so and as they took the pictures were arrested.

Given this and similar other cases, the set-up theory has a reasonable ring of probability. Patriotic nationalists will believe that the State could not murder its own citizens for political gains. Again, this is an illusion disproved by history, starting from the explosion and sinking of the US ship Maine, with much loss of American life, to justify the invasion of Cuba in 1898.

More historically recent, (1960s), is the now public, so-called “Northwood Plan” to sink a US ship and blame it on Cuba to justify another invasion of the island.

In the Boston case, details continue to emerge over the close surveillance by state intelligence agencies of the Tsarnaevs and their associates.

It is well known that the rebellions in the Caucasus, just as the enrollment of Georgia into NATO are the product of US and Zionist plans to gnaw at Russia for the securing of world domination.  The two brothers were probably considered CIA “assets”, an accurate Orwellian word  properly equating men with tools for domination.

What went wrong (or “right” if it was another false-flag event) may never become known. But there is now a  long trail of state-created fraudulent fabrications and mass-deceptions, all of course devised and carried out in the name of “democracy”.

Therefore it may behoove our ears NOT to be overly fortified against any analysis or (often) plain evidence disproving the official stories peddled by the state and by its subservient corporate media.

In the play.  The guard Bernardo has seen the ghost of the slain king of Denmark. Horatio is skeptical and Bernardo attempts to provide evidence of the apparition.

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