Shakespeare and the Pleasure of Coming Home

to England then, Where ne'er from France arrived more happy men“…to England then:
Where ne’er from France arrived more happy men”

(King Henry V, act 4, sc. 8)

Comments. It’s good to be back home again (as the song goes), and the webmaster thanks all viewers who have sent comments via e-mail and other social media outlets during his absence. In truth and in the instance the quotation should read, “… to Portland then: Where never P{alace of the Guilds of the Wool Makers in Florencefrom Italy arrived more happy man.”
The reason for the somewhat euphoric modification of the original has to do with the reasons of my visit to Italy – that is, the formal presentation in Florence of my book (in Italian but here with the title translated in English), “Our Daily Dante – 3500 ways to get away with it (with Dante).”

As you can guess (or verify by checking out the ‘about the author’ menu item), “Our Daily Dante” is the equivalent of “Your Daily Shakespeare” but for Dante’s Divine Comedy – Dante and Shakespeare being the quintessential contemporaries of the future.

Fresco in the Palagion dell'Arte della Lana in Florence

XIII century Wool Making frescoes

The presentation was held in the heart of Florence in the “Palagio dell’Arte della Lana” (Palace of the Guild of the Wool Makers) in via Calimala. The very sound of the words exudes Medievalness. Add to it that the hall where the presentation was held features a ceiling decorated with original XIII century frescoes. And that the building is connected by a structural bridge to the famous Church of Orsammichele, described  in every language and in every book of History of Art.

Well aware that “there’s not one wise man among twenty that will praise himself” (Much Ado About Nothing), I must say that the presentation went very well, not because of me but because of Dante. I was introduced by Nicola Cecchi and by Prof. Anna Benvenuti. Nicola Cecchi is Vice President of the Council of Tuscans Abroad. Anna Benvenuti is Professor of Historical and Geographic Studies at the University of Florence.

My presentation was not so much aimed at explaining the book, but at emphasizing that the classics (and of course Dante, in the instance) are the best remedy against the flattening and the erosion of individual cultures for the sake of the global market. Furthermore, poetry has an inherent medical-therapeutic value. But to make use of it, poetry must be memorized. The “Mnemonic Frames” system which I have elaborated achieves this very result while ensuring the guaranteed amusement of the practitioner.

Via this blog entry I wish to thank all members of the Assembly of World Tuscans who have made the event possible, in particular Ms. Mariadina Tozzi, Ms. Patrizia Barboncini, Ms. Anna Dicenso and Mr. Marco Ciofini. Special thanks too to Renzo Orsi, coordinator for North Anerica and Carlo Mannocci, Area Representative for North America.

Tips for Use of this Quote.  Whenever you wish to express your contentment for returning home, by changing countries as appropriate.

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In the play. King Henry V addresses his men after victory at Agincourt.

Site for Images.  — Wikepedia for the Casa Dantesca and the Frescoes.

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