Shakespeare on Lack of Choice and Presidential Elections

I may neither choose whom I would nor refuse whom I dislike “…I may neither choose whom I would nor refuse whom I dislike”

(Merchant of Venice, act 1, sc. 2)

Comments.  Irrespective of who wins (the Presidential Elections), the basic policy of the ruling elite will continue. The 2012 campaign has been (one might say, as usual) a low rate spectacle. For all the billions of dollars spent, the unending advertisements and the saturation media coverage, nothing of substance has been seriously discussed or debated.
The Republican candidate criticized the alleged lack of change in Obama’s “change” slogan of 2008.” The Democrat declared that in a second term he will ensure that “everybody is doing their fair share,” while insisting that “I know what real change looks like; you’ve seen me fight for it.” This from someone who has continued and expanded all the right-wing policies of his predecessor.

One must have a face made of very hard metal to say these things without laughing at himself and at those who believe him. Obama has already said that his “first order of business” will be to reach an agreement with Republicans to pass trillions of dollars in cuts to social programs, particularly Medicare and Medicaid. Romney’s intimations of bipartisanship are a good signal that he will work with the Democrats to fulfill the demands of the banks for austerity measures.

The American power elite has worked around the clock to control key countries and cut out its principal geopolitical competitors, including China and Russia. Obama has already launched one war against Libya, while his administration is presently fomenting civil war in Syria. In a global economic crisis, American militarism pushes for more wars maybe leading to the big one.

The progressive dismantlement of the democratic principle of due process never came up in the debates or in the corporate media. There is a sense among millions of people in the United States, including many who will end up voting for Obama, that the elections will not change anything. They are well aware that they cannot choose whom they would nor refuse whom they dislike.

Tips for Use.  Applies perfectly to the current two party system or to any situation where there is really only one choice and no alternatives.

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In the play. At Belmont in her palace, Portia comments with servant Nerissa about her (Portia’s). Portia’s father’s legacy is that she must marry him who solves a riddle. Therefore Portia cannot choose or refuse the soon-to-be-announced husband.

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