Shakespeare on Anger and a Desire for Rebellion

O that my tongue were in the thunder's mouth“O, that my tongue were in the thunder’s mouth!
Then with a passion would I shake the world.”
(King John, act 3, sc. 4)

Tips for Use and Comments. A most appropriate quote when you feel helpless about a series of events on which you have Oppose Senate Bill S 3525no control or power. You feel only anger and a desire for rebellion. The lines are particularly applicable to a new bill, introduced in the American Senate (bill S. 3535). If passed, it would undo years of protection for polar bears, and would continue to put millions of animals and people at risk for lead poisoning. The so-called “Sportsmen’s Act of 2012” seeks to indulge a small group of wealthy trophy hunters who want to import sport-hunted polar bear trophies from Canada just to have a head or hide of this threatened animal in their living room; while another section of the same bill strips the Environmental Protection Agency of its ability to protect wildlife and people from lead poisoning.
Different readers may have different reasons for their justified anger. We live in an overpopulated world, (a net of 3 humans added to the planet every second), species are going extinct due to environmental destruction. The habitat of the polar bears is shrinking because of climate change. And someone (a senator from Montana!) has the gall to introduce legislation to enable more killings of this beautiful creature for the ego-satisfaction of people who, irrespective of their wealth, I define as criminals.
I urge the site’s visitors to email the Senate of the United States and oppose this bill. Go to
and register your position. Thank you on behalf of all the animals slaughtered for the fault of being alive.
All entries on this site are derived from the book “Your Daily Shakespeare”. It contains 1390 pages identifying over 10,000 daily situations. Each situation directs you to one or more Shakespearean repartees, comments, and answers. Repartees, comments, and answers that will get you on the stage or at least out of the water – besides making you a regular winner of verbal contests. “Your Daily Shakespeare” has been described as the most unusual, useful and unique book of Shakespearean quotations. Nothing similar exists or has ever existed.
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In the play. After the lost battle of Angier, young Arthur, Constance’ son, has been captured by the English and she is desperate

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