Shakespeare on Scheduling the Next Corporate Meeting

Shekspeare quote for scheduling the next meeting“When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning or in rain?”
(Macbeth act 1, sc.1)

Tips for Use. Especially handy when the corporate meeting has been protracted endlessly, maybe even through the night. No decision has been reached and the meeting has been rescheduled. Change the number ‘3’ to the actual number of persons who may attend the next meeting. Your quotation may perhaps revive the depressed or sagged spirit of the audience. And talking about depressed spirit, Ambrose Bierce’s … definition of a piano comes to mind, “a parlor instrument for subduing the impenitent visitor. It is operated by depressing the keys of the machine and the spirits of the audience.
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In the play. First witch to the others. For the hunter of unconsidered trifles, the three witches represent respectively darkness, chaos and conflict. They are originally found in Holinshed’s episode of King Duncan in his History of England, Scotland and Ireland

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