Shakespeare on One of Love’s Persistent Questions. Take 2

A love that makes breath poor and speech unable “…I love you more than words can wield the matter …
A love that makes breath poor and speech unable,
Beyond all manner of so much I love you.”
(King Lear act 1, sc. 1)

Tips for Use.  Yesterday’s blog on “neither rhyme nor reason” proved particularly popular, judging by the number of visits. Today we will then follow up with another Shakespearean answer to the fatidical question “Do you love me?” and/or “How much do you love me?” Nor is the range of Shakespearean options on this issue exhausted with yesterday’s and today’s entries. In the book “Your Daily Shakespeare” there are hundreds of related answers. In the instance, the declarer (Ms. Goneril)… was not sincere, but elegance does not exclude truth. Therefore feel free to use as the situation or the party requires, even at the risk of going mildly overboard. Especially if you believe your love to be indeed immeasurable. And, as the Latins used to say, “Una tantum licet insanire” (Every now and then it’s OK to be mad).
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In the play. The scheming Goneril knows that the more outlandishly she declares her love towards her father Lear, the more land she will inherit as he retires and parses out his possessions.

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