Tag Archives: climate change

Trump, Revolution in a Tea Cup

“Men judge by the complexion of the sky, the state and inclination of the day.” King Richard II The apparent enthusiasm for Trump’s success in the US presidential elections is an event historically recurrent and humanly understandable. The wonderful vignette by the Italian artist Vincenzo Apicella perfectly illustrates it. Even the famous horse, nominated senator Read More

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Shakespeare on Greed for Gold and Consequences

“How quickly nature falls into revolt, When gold becomes her object!” (King Henry IV part 2, act 4, sc.4) Comments.  When the future Henry V tried the crown on his head in the room where his ailing father was dying, his intent was misunderstood. He was not anxious to wear the crown before his time Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Business Presentations, Motivational Sayings, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Greed for Gold and Consequences