100,000 Visitors to Your Daily Shakespeare

An illustration of the Shakespearean quote, “To solemnize this day, the glorious sun Stays his course, and plays the alchymist; Turning, with splendour of his precious eye, The meagre cloddy earth to glittering gold.”“To solemnize this day, the glorious sun
Stays his course, and plays the alchymist;
Turning, with splendour of his precious eye,
The meagre cloddy earth to glittering gold.”

King John, act 3, sc. 1

Yesterday, Sep 30, 2014, this site welcomed its unknown but appreciated one hundred thousandth visitor, in about two and a half years.

Not much to brag about in the current climate. A selfie may attract that many visitors in one day, if not more.

Besides, Shakespeare showed his contemporaries (and posterity), the predictable end of a braggart, “… for it will come to pass that every braggart shall be found an ass”. (1)

Though, for example, when we hear a politician, a pundit or a preacher claiming that America must rule the world because the nation is “exceptional”, another Shakespearean quote may come to mind, “… if thou beest not an ass, I am a youth of fourteen.” (2)

By coincidence, the article published yesterday was the 450th. In truth, this inconspicuous author never intended to burst upon mankind with unexpected luster. He has attempted, at best, to give to airy nothing a local habitation and a name (3). Meaning, in particular, that there are never enough voices to expose and denounce the crimes against humanity, against nature and against common sense, committed with unbending determination and monotonous regularity.

That the climate is changing for the worse is now accepted by all but the staunchest neocons. The earth population increases by three humans per second. In Africa there are 1.2 billion people and 250 lions. Plus a few more elephants, desperately poached and hunted for their husks. The population of the continent is predicted to increase to 4-billion in two or three decades.

These extra billions are destined to live in wretched and subhuman poverty. But to suggest policies aimed at helping the billions out of their misery and at reducing fertility is still considered a heresy. Better to spend 32,000 dollars per second in the machinery of death and destruction, (see yesterday’s article http://yourdailyshakespeare.com/shakespeare-dizzying-number-us-enemies/equalities).

We are like people marooned on a dissolving floe of ice, just like the ice that is melting at the poles.

And though hope makes gods out of kings and kings out of meaner creatures (4), to expect a meaningful reaction against the destruction – by the multitude that choose by show (5) –  is impossible.

It is not their (our) fault, I think, if they don’t learn more than the fond eye (media) doth teach (6). Therefore these hopes, at the moment, remain dreams, begot of nothing but a regrettably vain fantasy. (7)

Still, I wish to thank all the visitors, in particular those who have commented or written to me, or shared articles on their site or timelines. I think I replied to all – if I missed any, it was not willed but accidental. To hear from you is a pleasure.

Thanks also to all who have purchased “Your Daily Shakespeare” – in particular those who told me they found the book useful and/or entertaining. People spend thousands to “improve their communications”, when there is hardly a better communicator from whom to learn all that is best, in this beautiful language of ours.

“Let all the number of the stars give light
To your fair way!” (8)

(1)    All’s Well That Ends Well
(2)    All’s Well That Ends Well
(3)    Midsummer Night’s Dream
(4)    King Richard III
(5)    Merchant of Venice
(6)    Merchant of Venice
(7)    Romeo and Juliet
(8)    Julius Caesar

In the play. The celebrated event is the marriage of the Dauphin Lewis to the Lady Blanch. King Philip is making a speech and a toast.

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