Shakespeare, Pretense and the Second Presidential Debate

...thy casement I need not open, for I look through thee“So, my good window of lattice, fare thee well; thy casement I need not open, for I look through thee.”
(All’s Well That Ends Well act 2, sc. 3)

Comments.  Talk about pretense! We can see through the window of words, indeed we do not need to open the casement (of the two presidential candidates). Here are the quintessential representatives of the corporate-financial elite that rules America spending two hours trying to portray themselves as partisans of the common man. Watching the presidential debate, even for the purpose of uploading a comment on the web is an exercise in masochism.
A super-staged event, the debate was designed to make it appear “natural” and “unstaged” – other than being carefully rehearsed in the morning. 82 participants were chosen by a Gallup poll among the “undecided” voters. Each posed a question and the moderator decided which questions were to be asked and by whom. As soon as the questioner had finished with the question his microphone was shut off… to prevent the already remote possibility that the questioner took issue with the platitudinal nature of the answers.
Each candidate represented himself as a champion of a middle class to which neither belongs. Both committed themselves to improving the lot of the “middle class” – ignoring the already extant bi-partisan plans to drastically cut social programs in the name of neoliberism and social Darwinism.
A graduate college student asked what steps would either candidate take to ensure that he and other graduates could get a job. Romney said he knew “what it takes to create good jobs again”, that is “take me on faith”. Obama countered by saying, “Your future is bright.” – almost a mirror image of the other answer.
Both candidates agree on the opening up of public lands to energy corporations, corporate tax cuts, war abroad, the “reform” (i.e., privatization) of public education, etc.
It has been decreed that Obama will win, though a progressive section of the electorate would wish for a Romney victory, in the (forlorn) hope that the populace would finally find means of effectively changing the system out of sheer nausea.

Tips for Use. Alternative to express that you can see through a person without going any further. For other cross-references consult the book ”Your Daily Shakespeare”

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In the Play.  Lafeu loathes Parolles. Parolles is an open window, whose character can be judged without further inquiries.

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