Shakespeare on Treason, Murder and September 11

treason and murder judas“Treason and murder ever kept together,
As two yoke-devils sworn to either’s purpose”

(King Henry V, act 2, sc. 2)

Comment.  Eleven years after the event, suspicions, instead of abating have increased. And rather than being forgotten under “the dust of antique time”, the circumstances of September 11 appear more and more sinister. Treason and murder did indeed keep together, but it is no longer clear whose was the treason and who was the murderer. Questions haunt the minds of people of unimpeachable character and stellar background in science and related technology.
This is not the place to discuss the growing volume of inconsistencies and inexplicable “coincidences”. The overarching question is “Can a restricted group in power treason and murder the people who gave power to the group?” And here, even a short excursion into history yields evidence for a “yes”.
Example One, WW 1 (not 2). The reasons for WW 2 are generally accepted, though some maintain the war was avoidable (see the related book of Pat Buchanan). But the US of A had no reason whatsoever to enter WW 1. Public opinion was against it, also considering the large number of Americans of German ethnic background.
The 9-11 parallel episodes were two, the sinking of the Lusitania by a German submarine – there is and was strong evidence that the Lusitania was carrying ammunition to England, which would militarily justify the attack.
The other episode is less known but amusing in its own dark way. The Germans wanted to buy Mexican oil and sent a cypher telegram to the Mexican president (Carranza). In it they promised that, in exchange of oil, the Germans would help Mexico re-gain Texas, New Mexico and Arizona lost in the Mexican War of 1848.
The code was broken and the telegram was published with great fanfare on all the American newspapers. To think that the Germans could meaningfully help Mexico in such an undertaking is ludicrous – even discounting the fact that Mexico was in the throngs of a bloody 10 year internal revolution. Conclusion? By patently treasonous reasons 117 thousand Americans were murdered in WW 1.
Example Two. Remember the Tonkin Gulf Incident? The alleged reason to bomb North Vietnam and to declare the undeclared war on Vietnam (55 thousand Americans and 3 million Vietnamese dead)? Well, as you know, it has been officially admitted that it did not happen. And McNamara, one of the architects of the Vietnam war made a pretty penny by writing a book where he said that the Vietnam war was “wrong”.
As we spoke of the Mexican Revolution one more example. The immensely popular Emiliano Zapata was the proverbial thorn in the side of Carranza, the ruthless president in power in 1916. To eliminate Zapata, an officer of the regular army, Colonel Jesus Guajardo, was assigned a contingent of  soldiers and arms to ambush and kill scores of the same regular army to which the very Guajardo belonged. And all this to persuade Zapata that he, Guajardo, was an ally and an enemy of Carranza. Zapata believed him. How could  Guayardo’s “rebel” army  had been organized and funded by the very government that was simultaneously funding the “regular” army!?  Just as it seem impossible to believe that September 11 was an inside job. Zapata was promptly killed at the first meeting with Guajardo.
Yes indeed, treason and murder keep together. Sometimes, for verification, all we need is to scratch the surface of appearances and official reports.

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In the play. King Henry V expostulates against the traitors who attempted to kill him for pay on behalf of the French.

Image source:  Giotto, Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padova, Italy

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