Shakespeare on Indecision, Uncertainty and Doubt

and like a man to double business bound“And, like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin,
And both neglect.”

(Hamlet act 3, sc. 3)

Tips for Use.  When you are undecided about an issue, as we all are many or most of the times. Or when you need to explain why you have not taken action on something you promised you would do. The idea, or rather, the problem is probably as old as man. And even some animals, if you study their expression, show that they are uncertain about whatever course to take. As in all things uncertain, there is uncertainty even on whether uncertainty is good or bad. However, if, for example, your boss strings you out in time before pronouncing on a question you have been asking for some time, you may finally ask, “Is your indecision final?”
The majority of opinion indicates that decisiveness is better than indecisiveness. The Latin writer Quintilian, for example, says, “Dum deliberamus quando incipiendum, incipere jam serum fit.” (When we consider where to begin, it becomes too late to do so.) (De Institutione Oratoria).
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In the play. King Claudius begins to suffer the pains of conscience after the murder of his brother, Hamlet’s father.

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