Hamlet, act 3, sc. 3, Crime and Remorse

Actual Quote:
“My words fly up, my thoughts remain below:
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.”

In Current Language:
My words may seem or sound good, but my thoughts have not changed. From the point of view of decency and honor, hypocritical words are empty and useless.

Suggestions For Use: Apply part of the quote [Words without thoughts never to heaven go], as an example or comparison, to signify distaste when hearing certain people speak, often some politicians…expressing a regret that sounds hollow, formal and insincere.

What Happens in the Actual Play:
King Claudius tries to pray as a form of atonement for the murder of his own brother, Hamlet’s father. But Claudius himself knows that his words are not sincere, as he continues and cannot avoid enjoying the fruits of his murder.
Jimmie’s Comment
The quote represents, clearly and succinctly, the form of unverbalized thought maybe floating through the mind of some politicians, and others, performing activities involving unfair competition, struggle for advantage, deceit, trickery or plain treachery.
Currently we are regaled with a plenitude of examples – notably in the official Western narratives – referring to the special operation in Ukraine and to the current (as I am preparing these notes) unmistakable genocide against the Palestinians of the Gaza enclave.

Actually, some related statements by various Western and US politicians sink even below the level of King Claudius in the Hamlet tragedy. For Claudius, at least, realizes that his contrition is useless and therefore false, as he continues to enjoy the benefits of his murder, namely the throne of Denmark along with its queen.

With Ukraine, and even more so with Gaza-Palestine, the censorship and the Western narrative have always been and continue to be a Hollywood-style parody. For the US Congress’ & US Senate’s unanimous support for the Zionist state, and equal support for the obscene genocidal violence in Gaza and beyond, constitute a wholesale censure of the “other who is not us”.
Censure is generally and willingly indulged by some people, because it always implies some superiority. And the train of sentiments involved enables the censurers to shine without labor and to conquer without a contest.

Furthermore, Western governments at large must steadfastly prevent their citizens to see and watch such grotesque and horrendous waste of human lives and money in Ukraine and – even more particularly revolting – in Gaza.

The rest of the planet is horrified at watching, sometimes in real time, the massacres perpetrated in Gaza, and should be equally horrified at the attempts by the leaders of the Zionist state (and associates) to justify all this with pseudo-biblical and pseudo-theological arguments.

For here we touch on the touching but usually untouchable and proverbial crux of the matter. It is noteworthy that when the heathens dare to make reference to some questionable episodes in the history of the chosen people, as portrayed in some sections of the Old Testament, the heathens are easily branded as anti-Semites.

As if all non-praising reference to Biblical Semitism were, as the Latins would have said, a “reductio ad Hitlerium”, (meaning, ‘bundled up with Hitler’).

He who dares as much is branded a Nazi. Never mind that the Jewish government of Ukraine, (as represented by the current Zelenski and the immediately previous Poroshenko) has rebranded, for example, the main thoroughfare in Kiev as “Bandera Avenue” – conveniently forgetting, or sweeping under the proverbial rug, that Bandera was a fervent Hitlerian collaborator, in charge of sundry Nazi groups. Groups that during and after World War 2, committed several well-documented, massive ethnic massacres of Poles and Jews in Galicia, which is now Western Ukraine.

As many or most will have seen, read or heard, a top minister in the current Israeli government has branded Hamas (which acts as an unofficial defense army of Palestine) as ‘human animals.’

Such remarkable characterization brings to mind another equally remarkable and official characterization, pronounced by the lips of an Israeli very influential Rabbi called Obadiah Joseph, who died in 2013.

Based on the large posthumous governmental honors that Obadiah Joseph received, I would tentatively equate him in rank to a Catholic Pope. Anyway, here is the quote, copied verbatim from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, of October 2013.

“Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the people of Israel. In Israel, death has no dominion over us… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that your donkey would die, you would lose your money. He (the Goy) is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for the Jew.”

I will conclude with the obvious. King Claudius, at least in his soul, realized that he was a murderer though he could not stop enjoying the fruits of the murder.

But, in the current instance, and following a tight and irreproachable logic, why should the ruling powers of the Zionist state feel concern about the Palestinians in Gaza? The Palestinians, as represented by their half-hazard, unofficial army, are themselves donkeys.

Which, by the way, I think is insulting not only to the Palestinians but also to the donkeys. For donkeys can show affection and attachment to humans, as I had occasion to directly observe at times, notably when I lived in Guernsey, where a very friendly donkey happened to live in a grass field next to our house.

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