Changes to the YourDailyShakespeare website

As The King of France says in “All’s Well that ends well”
“… on our quick’st decrees
The inaudible and noiseless foot of Time
Steals ere we can effect them
That is,
… despite our determinations, The silent and stealthy foot of time Intervenes before we can put our decrees into action.”

Since its inception, this website has accumulated over 450 articles and essays,– many, I am glad to say – also featured in large circulation websites. Besides, almost 100 historical videos are viewable through the link “videos historical” found in the landing page menu, plus the chronicle or documentation of other events connected with the William Shakespeare and Dante Alighieri books, respectively.

And, as Dante says,

“… vassene il tempo e l’uom non se ne avvede” (time flies and man does not realize it) (Purgatory ch. V)

The brave adventurers who have followed this channel since its beginning (2012), may have noticed that I did not post new articles or essays for a while. Now it’s time for a restart, along with some changes, if not else, to prevent “the dust of antique time (from lying) unswept” (Coriolanus).

Therefore, from now on, the entries will have a new structure, which is also the structure used to create the ‘Shakespearean segment’ in a popular Internet radio-show broadcast from England and called “The Lymeys” – by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, broadcaster, historian and writer.

Each new post will include a Shakespearean quote, its rendition in modern language, its suggested use in presentations, exchanges with colleagues at work or  with friends, etc. along with my comments. The comments will attempt to link the meaning and/or reference of the quote to current events and to how these events can be ‘shakespeareanly’ interpreted.

Each new post will also announced on my Twitter or ‘X’) account @jimmiemoglia

Finally, ‘diis volentibus’ (in Latin) and ‘God willing’ (in Engish), I will publish in the near future my new book-Internet combination, “Shakespeare in Pictures – The Psychology of Memorization.  how to memorize hundreds of Shakespearean quotations without really trying.”

Thank you for reading, and notably those who have bought the (yes) ONLY situational Shakespearean dictionary ever published – “Your Daily Shakespeare – an Arsenal of Verbal Weapons to Drive your Friends into Action and your Enemies into Despair” – and  those readers who have emailed me with their comments and ‘fruitful’ application of this or that Shakespearean Quote, as suggested in the dictionary.

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