Shakespeare and leaked-out Video of Torture inside US Prison

I might not this believe Without the sensible and true avouch Of mine own eyes“I might not this believe
Without the sensible and true avouch
Of mine own eyes.”

(Hamlet, act 1, sc. 1)

. The video (link following comment) speaks by itself. It is posted here because there are still some who believe that the US administration and governments are the mirrors of democracy and staunch defenders and implementers of human rights.
Apologies for the language in the video.

The inmate Paul Schlosser is serving 7 years for robbery in the prison of Windham (Maine). It appears that Schlosser had wounded himself and removed bandages from his wound. He was then placed under restraint and when an officer pushed and held his head against the chair he spat at the officer. Whereupon the officer hit him at short range with a burst of pepper spray, a treatment that, through the action on the nasal channels produces the sensation of being unable to breathe. In fear of another episode of spitting, the guards push a mask on him. It is clear that Schlosser is in pain.

Not commonly known is the procedure of video-taping prisoners when they are placed in restraints although the videos are classified and not for public viewing. On one hand this explains why the video was produced in the first place. On the other, someone must have been sufficiently disgusted as to leak the video to the outside. The release caused the main actor among the guards to be first suspended and then re-instated in his position. Investigation is current to find out who leaked the video to the outside world. Perhaps we may have another case similar to Julian Assange and Bradley Manning. According to available statistics 300 inmates have died in US prisons while held in restraints.


In the play. After having warned by the guards who have seen the Ghost, this is Horatio’s reaction after  has seen the Ghost himself.

Original Image Source,


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