Verbal Self Defense, Shakespeare style

how to use Shakespeare to repeal a verbal attack“…what man of good temper would endure this tempest of exclamation?” (KHIV.p2 act 2, sc. 1)

 Tips for use. Here in the US we are in the midst of the so-called presidential elections. They are ‘so-called’ because of the massive pretense involved.  The equally so-called ‘people’ are invited to vote for one of two candidates pre-selected by party controllers, media controllers, corporation controllers, very-special interest groups, Wall Street priests, corporations and other sundry and more obscure sects or religions. To suggest that this is democracy is equivalent to suggesting that McDonald is food.

Still, the machine of noise and clamor is in full swing. As an incentive to a bitter laugh, two of the current republican nominees are Mormons – a religion founded by a pedophile turned sex-maniac who claimed that Christ was an American… A religion, on the other hand, followed by millions, and if this does not scare the reader I don’t know what could.

As for the candidates, no man of good temper could endure their tempests of  exclamations, a feeling embodied in the quotation. A quotation, on the other hand, applicable at large when you are dealing with an obnoxious, stupid, abusive and arrogant opponent. This could happen in a corporate meeting, town hall meeting or wherever and whenever someone engages the tongue before the brain.

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Of course, if you acquire the book “Your Daily Shakespeare” you will not only enjoy it but you will find it very useful. The quote in this post and more than ten thousand others  will lead you to find the words that perfectly strengthen your argument(s). After all Shakespeare wrote them, I simply extracted, structured and compiled them so as to make Shakespeare very “user friendly” as they say. And if you wish I will even sign the book. But this is the extent of any “sales” effort, call or solicitation.

In the play. The Chief Justice reprimands Falstaff who defends himself against accusation of exploitation, abuse and lying from Mistress Quickly. In this case, however, Mistress Quickly has a reasonable right of deliver a ‘tempest of exclamations’ against that professional liar, no-good, though amusing character of Falstaff.

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