May I ask you a question? (answer to)

Joan of Arc appearing in a Shakespearean play“Ask me what question thou canst possible,
And I will answ
er unpremeditated.” (King Henry VI part 1, act 1, sc. 2)

Tips for Use. Answer to ‘May I ask you a question?’ Especially useful when you sense beforehand that the question may be mildly embarrassing or deal with a somewhat sensitive issue. The mild irony prepares the ground for an answer (yours), that should be taken with a pinch of salt. Useful also at end of presentation when you invite the audience to ask you questions. In the book  “Your Daily Shakespeare” you will find various other alternatives answers to the same question.

In the play. Joan of Arc (in the play called simply ‘Pucelle’), prompts the Dauphin of France, Charles to submit herself to any test or question regarding her skills or intentions.

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